Sunday, November 21, 2010

Not so Common Courtesy

A recent topic among some friends on Facebook was common courtesy. Unfortunately, the general consensus was that courtesy is no longer common.

Now I have discussed courtesy before so I will not rehash the topic in detail and with examples of discourteous behavior.

This Thursday is Thanksgiving. The holiday season is upon us. Our country is still in an economic downturn. People are under a bunch of pressure.

2 Christmas seasons ago, when things had first taken the big turn for the worse, I noticed that people were much nicer that season. I think that people had that "we are all in this together" attitude and everyone seemed so much nicer and more courteous than is normally found when out and about at Christmastime. I heard less grumbling in the checkout line. I saw less parking lot road rage over parking spots. Fewer people were blocking a parking isle just waiting for a spot to open. People were just nicer based on my observations. The way people should be all year but especially at Christmastime.

Last year, however, it seemed like people had returned to their Scrooge-like ways. The grumbling returned. I saw acts of rudeness almost everytime I stepped into a store. Store clerks were treated poorly but I saw many of them returning the favor. I even witnessed a pleasant looking lady in the 10 items or less checkout line telling her kids that it did not matter that their cart was overflowing, the clerk wouldn't say anything to them and she didn't feel like waiting in one of the other lines. It didn't matter to her that there were about 6 people in line behind her, each with less than 10 items.

In my humble opinion, I think the stress and strain started to get to the population in general last year.

So my first wish of this Holiday Season is this, the return in thought and action of common courtesy. Nothing spectacular. No need to go out of ones way. Just be nice and courteous to others. Show respect. If you don't need to use the handicapped parking don't. Most of us could use the extra exercise anyway. Be aware of others. Have kind words for fellow shoppers and especially store employees where you are shopping. Say thank you, please, and excuse me. It is not that hard. I was taught these things at a very young age and I am sure most of you were also. We have just forgotten our manners.

Try smiling. That is one of my eternal wishes is for people to smile more. Everyone looks better when they smile so lets beautify our nation and the planet by smiling more.

And once again, please be courteous and have a wonderful time of Thanksgiving.

Keep Smilin'!,


© Eddy Seegers 2010, All Rights Reserved

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