Tuesday, November 6, 2012

One Degree, One Voice

November 6, 2012

As a closet science geek, there are many things in many areas of study that fascinate me. Astronomy is one. I am amazed when I look at the stars. I think about how far away they are. The size and scope of the known universe. The size and scope of the unknown universe. Aerodynamics and the ability of man-made flight. Supersonic jets to small personal planes, it all amazes me.

Thermodynamics is also something that holds my attention and fascination. Think about it for a moment.

You have a pot of water that is 211 degrees. You have a pot of hot water. A very hot pot of water but still just a pot of hot water. However, if you add one simple degree, the entire state of the water changes from liquid to a gas as the water boils.

One single, solitary degree.  One degree is the difference between hot water and boiling water. In the big scheme of things, one degree is not much. When you are talking about boiling water, 1 degree is 0.47% of the 212 degrees that it takes to boil water. But without any single one of those 212, you just have hot water.

There is an election going on today. There are 2 very different opinions on what the direction of our country should be. I have a very strong personal opinion on that direction. I have many friends and acquaintances who disagree with me and think the other direction should be the one that we follow as a nation.

No matter the direction, there are those that will feel like they do not have a voice in our government. At times, I have felt that frustration. No longer. Politically, I am very conservative. I believe in the power of the individual. The Constitution is a document from THE PEOPLE, limiting the scope and reach of the federal government. I believe in free market capitalism. I especially believe in American Exceptionalism. This is the greatest country, with the greatest form of government (no not a democracy but a democratic representative republic), and the greatest economic system that allows even those on the bottom of the socio-economic ladder to get to the top. As Winston Churchill once said about capitalism, it is absolutely the worst system except for all of the others.

If the election goes in a way that I see as a big mistake, Barry Soetoro, uh Barack Obama gets re-elected, I will be out-front, outspoken, and very active in advocating conservatism in the face of the opposition. If my candidate, Mitt Romney, wins, I will also be out there, out-front, and outspoken, promoting that the concepts of conservatism are followed. I am a conservative and feel that sometimes the Republicans get lazy and follow the path of least resistance.  ( I have much more that I will share about this in the future.)

Martin Luther was a Catholic priest who posted his 95 Theses and created the beginnings of the Protestant movement that changed organized religion. He was one voice who spoke against the establishment.  His life was threatened.  He was kicked out of the Catholic church.  He faced many hardships because of his beliefs yet he continued on.

I am making a commitment to become a voice. Am I comparing myself with Martin Luther? In no way, shape, or form. He was a great man and a great thinker.  I can only hope to have a few people hear my voice and take action.

However, I am looking at myself like one of those 212 degrees needed to make water boil. I am one voice. I am encouraging others to share their voice. Speak up. Question decisions. Know what you believe and advocate for it. One thing that I am going to not worry about is offending people. The way I look at it is if they get offended, they needed to be offended. I know what I believe. My convictions are strong. I am praying that my voice will be become as strong as those conviction.

Keep an eye out. In the very near future, I will be starting a new blog that will be dedicated solely to my political views. I pray that I will be blunt, to the point, direct, and provocative. I will likely create a new Facebook page to promote my political views and the blog.

Finally, I want to make you think. And most importantly, I want you to join me as single degrees, single voices, so that together we can boil over and bring about a return to true American values and greatness.

I am going to watch election returns now. Good night and God Bless. And God Bless America.


© Eddy Seegers 2012


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