Thursday, September 12, 2013

Reflection on 9-11

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ― Søren Kierkegaard
There are three things I take time to reflect upon on September 11th every year.

The first is one of my nieces’ birthday. So much was going on around the time of her birth, so much has gone on in her life, and she has so much to look forward to in the future. I remember when I was that age, the huge anticipation I had for my 10th birthday. For her 10th birthday my niece had to endure the world changing because of what happened on that date in 2001.

Almost everybody takes the time to reflect on the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centers in New York City on September 11, 2001. I think that we need to take more time to reflect on the event of that day. More than just one day a year on the anniversary. We need to look at the pictures and spend time looking at the videos. We need to remember who committed those dastardly acts. We need to remember the feelings that we had on that most gut wrenching day for our country since Pearl Harbor.

Finally, today I reflect on the events in Benghazi, Libya one year ago, September 11, 2012. On that day our embassy and its people were attacked by an organized mob of Islamic terrorists. 4 men died that day including our Ambassador. Yet, to this day many people probably could not tell you what happened that day if asked. On top of that, our government has not shown much of an interest in getting to the bottom of what happened that day or bringing the perpetrators to justice.

A day of reflection. There are lots of things that we should reflect upon in life. On September 11 every year, I think the points of reflection are a little heavier. Well, except for my niece, which reminds me that life goes on. I love you kiddo.


©2013 Eddy Seegers

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