Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Life Lessons by Eddy: Smile

Life Lessons by Eddy: Smile


This is one of my favorite topics.

Smiling. Smiles. Grinning from ear to ear. Looking happy or like you are in a good mood.

With all of the shortages that we hear about, I feel one of the things that we are missing today is smiles. If you are happy, or feel good, or are excited, or just want to brighten someones day, SMILE!!!!!!! I cannot put enough exclamation points to get my point across. Smile, smile, smile!

I used to work directly with teenagers and one of the oddities of working with people in this age group was the lack of smiles from girls and the over-abundance of smiles from the guys. (Note: this is a point I am making in general. I know there are girls that constantly have bright smiling faces most of the time and there are boys that are brooding and seem to lack the ability to show the visual form of happiness, the smile.) I was often amazed at how many young ladies would walk around looking like they had just left the funeral of their best friend. Guys on the other hand seemed to smile, and yes, laugh, much of the time and often at inappropriate times.

One of my observations in life is how much better looking people are when they smile. I would often counsel young ladies who would complain about their lack of attention from the young men. As gently as possible, I would try to explain how their facial expression was affecting how other people saw them. If any girls or young ladies are reading this, I doubt that there are many guys who are going to be interested in someone that looks like they are angry at the world all of the time. If you always have a frown on your face, people in general are not going to want to be around you.

Look at the people who get all of the attention and who have the most friends. I would be willing to bet most are the ones that have a bubbly personality and who have a constant smile on their face. I know I would rather be with people who look happy.

The problem with these girls is that they grow into adults and carry this frown-a-thon with them into adulthood. And to make matters worse, they seem to bring more and more of the guys over to the dark side with them.

Yes, I know, that with adulthood comes more responsibilities and worries, but it also allows more freedom. If more people just thought about the many blessings that they have, the opportunities that we all have, and the health benefits that come from smiling, smiles would be the order of the day.

Before I finish, I want to issue this challenge to anyone who reads this posting. Tomorrow, don't put it off, do it tomorrow, I want you to try to smile as much as you can. When you wake up, think about the opportunity you have for a new day and smile. When you shower, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, head out into the world, no matter what it is, smile. Smile while you drive or when you get on the bus. Smile as you meet both people you know and don't know. If something doesn't go well or upsets you, smile. I know that last one is tough, but it can be done. I know because I have done it. If you are feeling a little under the weather, smile and position your body as if you felt well and see if just that small adjustment doesn't make you feel better. Again, I bet you it will.

Smile at everyone you can. Go out of your way to smile at people who annoy you. Like I said earlier, this one can be tough, but I have done it before so I know you can. And besides, if they know you don't like them and you are smiling at them so much, it might drive them crazy with worry trying to figure out what is making you so happy.

And finally, when you go to bed, it is time for one last smile. Think back on all the smiling you did during the day. As your head rests on the pillow, and you close your eyes, smile one last time.

To finish, I earlier mentioned to count your blessings. Sometimes we take our many blessings for granted or fail to realize the small things we should be thankful for. This was sent to me via an email an it has made me smile all day long every time I think of it. "There is so much to be thankful for if you only take the time to look... I am currently being extremely thankful that wrinkles don't hurt."

See what I mean. So many little things that we take for granted. :) (A computer smile for all.)

Keep Smilin'!!


© 2008 Eddy Seegers

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Monday, July 28, 2008

More Than a Foundation

Today’s Life Lesson is a little different. It builds on something that is preached, coached, taught, and drummed into our heads from a young age. It is something that is referred back to if things start to go awry. Curious?

We must build a firm foundation.

How many times have we heard that we must build a firm foundation. Sports teams that struggle hear how they need to get back to the fundamentals so they have a solid foundation to build on. We have to have a solid foundation in our education so we can build on it as we continue to grow in our educational experiences. Almost everything we do or are involved with in life has to have a good, strong foundation. But…

No matter how strong of a foundation we have, if there is a “house of straw” built on top of it, the slightest wind will know it down.

A little more direct, we need to make sure that we don’t rely on the foundation only as we move on in life. It is great to learn your multiplication tables in 3rd grade but it does you little good if you don’t have a concept of more complex mathematical studies. A football team that relies only on the fundamentals will be beaten by teams that are more advanced and have built strong offenses and defenses on the foundation they built.

The same goes with our relationships whether they be spiritual, personal, or business. If we don’t continue to grow building stronger and more advanced relationships with God, our family, friends, and lovers, and our business associates, those relationships will begin to crumble. And they will crumble even if they have a strong underlying foundation.

As you grow through life, remember, that you MUST have a strong foundation to build upon but you must also build and maintain strong structures on top of those foundations. Or the slightest of winds will blow down the house that you built of straw.

Keep Smilin’!!

Do you need a speaker for a company meeting or seminar? Send me an email to this address: Click_here

Are you interested in making money while helping others and yourself live a healthier life, check out my site at this link. Health_and_Wealth

Saturday, July 26, 2008

PGHS Class of 78

I lift my glass in a toast to the Pleasant Grove High School Class of 1978.

I had the pleasure of attending my 30th class reunion this past weekend. It was at least 18 years since I had seen anyone there. Many I had not seen in 30 years, since the night we graduated. The occupations were as varied as the people in attendance. 30 years had changed us in many ways. More pounds, lots of gray hair, talk of not only children but grandchildren. There were people who looked just the same as they did 3 decades past and then those who I had to rely on name badges to recall.

There was a special bond that existed between us. We marched to our own drumbeat. It was a wonderful evening that was way too short.

I could spend the evening typing stories that would tug at my heart and bore you to death. I won't. To all of those in attendance, I have missed you and it did a world of wonder for me to see you again. To those that were not able to make it, I still miss you. There was talk of having the reunions every 5 years instead of 10. I hope that you will be able to make it next time.

I think the best way to tell my readers a little about the Pleasant Grove High School Class of 1978. I spoke to a teacher/coach a few years after we had graduated. He told me that the school had become very boring since our class had left.

Again, I lift my glass and toast to my fellow classmates. We were might and we were great, we were the Class of 78.

Keep Smilin'!!

P.S. The line of the night at the reunion. I asked one of my old crushes where her husband was. Her reply? " I am currently between husbands." She always did have a way of putting things.