Saturday, July 26, 2008

PGHS Class of 78

I lift my glass in a toast to the Pleasant Grove High School Class of 1978.

I had the pleasure of attending my 30th class reunion this past weekend. It was at least 18 years since I had seen anyone there. Many I had not seen in 30 years, since the night we graduated. The occupations were as varied as the people in attendance. 30 years had changed us in many ways. More pounds, lots of gray hair, talk of not only children but grandchildren. There were people who looked just the same as they did 3 decades past and then those who I had to rely on name badges to recall.

There was a special bond that existed between us. We marched to our own drumbeat. It was a wonderful evening that was way too short.

I could spend the evening typing stories that would tug at my heart and bore you to death. I won't. To all of those in attendance, I have missed you and it did a world of wonder for me to see you again. To those that were not able to make it, I still miss you. There was talk of having the reunions every 5 years instead of 10. I hope that you will be able to make it next time.

I think the best way to tell my readers a little about the Pleasant Grove High School Class of 1978. I spoke to a teacher/coach a few years after we had graduated. He told me that the school had become very boring since our class had left.

Again, I lift my glass and toast to my fellow classmates. We were might and we were great, we were the Class of 78.

Keep Smilin'!!

P.S. The line of the night at the reunion. I asked one of my old crushes where her husband was. Her reply? " I am currently between husbands." She always did have a way of putting things.

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