Monday, July 28, 2008

More Than a Foundation

Today’s Life Lesson is a little different. It builds on something that is preached, coached, taught, and drummed into our heads from a young age. It is something that is referred back to if things start to go awry. Curious?

We must build a firm foundation.

How many times have we heard that we must build a firm foundation. Sports teams that struggle hear how they need to get back to the fundamentals so they have a solid foundation to build on. We have to have a solid foundation in our education so we can build on it as we continue to grow in our educational experiences. Almost everything we do or are involved with in life has to have a good, strong foundation. But…

No matter how strong of a foundation we have, if there is a “house of straw” built on top of it, the slightest wind will know it down.

A little more direct, we need to make sure that we don’t rely on the foundation only as we move on in life. It is great to learn your multiplication tables in 3rd grade but it does you little good if you don’t have a concept of more complex mathematical studies. A football team that relies only on the fundamentals will be beaten by teams that are more advanced and have built strong offenses and defenses on the foundation they built.

The same goes with our relationships whether they be spiritual, personal, or business. If we don’t continue to grow building stronger and more advanced relationships with God, our family, friends, and lovers, and our business associates, those relationships will begin to crumble. And they will crumble even if they have a strong underlying foundation.

As you grow through life, remember, that you MUST have a strong foundation to build upon but you must also build and maintain strong structures on top of those foundations. Or the slightest of winds will blow down the house that you built of straw.

Keep Smilin’!!

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