Monday, April 20, 2009

Take a Moment

The time to relax is when you don't have time for it. ~Sidney J. Harris

(Taken from with much appreciation for providing a resource for my relaxation.)

If ever there was a time when I don't have time to relax, it has been my last few weeks. I realized this when I felt like going to sleep at night was costing me valuable time that I could be using more productively. Never mind that plenty of sleep is a necessary and vital part of a healthy, fun, and fit life, as well as making us (me) more productive.

It is time for me to take some of my own advice and find time to relax. Never mind that I realized last Sunday that it has been weeks since I have sat on the couch in my den.

Starting yesterday, I am taking brief mental vacations during the day everyday. I will take 5 to 10 minutes every morning just after I wake and the same amount of time just before I go to bed to spend in special meditation and prayer.

In the mornings, I am going to focus on the coming day. I am going to consciously set my mind that I am going to be in a good mood and I will have an upbeat attitude no matter what comes my way. I will offer thanks that I am allowed to have another day to live, love, and grow. I am going to ask God to give me the chance to positively affect the lives of those I meet each day.

At night, my focus is going to be on the day that is ending. I am going to release the stresses, pressures, and issues that have tried to get in the way of my happiness. I will go to God with a thankful heart for the opportunities He has given me and a repentant heart asking forgiveness for all the times I have fallen short during the day.

During the day, and this is the part I have not been doing lately, I am going to take brief 2, 3, 4, 0r 5 minute breaks. Do some deep breathing exercises. Do some muscle relaxation exercises. Use some mind clearing techniques to just empty all the junk that fills up inside during the course of the day.

I am going to take a few moments everyday to let my mind wander, give it a chance to get away from all the clutter that is part of my daily life.

There are many serious things happening in my life right now. There are issues in the world that are not to be taken lightly. but at the same time, life is meant to be enjoyed, even savored. We should have a Zest for life. (See my post "Zest" from April 4th.) We all need to take a moment, let our minds take a vacation, if only for a few precious moments so we don't allow the things of day-to-day living to bring us down.


© 2009 Eddy Seegers

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