Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tribute to Mom

All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. ~Abraham Lincoln

My mom was never a big fan of Mother’s Day. She would say that she would rather be appreciated year ‘round and not just on one special day. I know that much of this was due to the way her mother, my grandmother, behaved in regards to the day. This is part of the reason I am not concerned about my tribute to my mom a few days after Mother’s Day.

This is a tribute to my mom. I will briefly mention some of the things that go back to my youth but I will focus on what she is doing today.

I was a little older before I realized how much money we did NOT have when I was younger. I was thinking back on some of the meals we had that were actually making due with what was available. I remember how I thought a dinner of gravy bread was such a treat when bread and flour was available and inexpensive. Mom had the same winter coat for years and years as well as the same eyeglasses. However, we as kids were never in need.

Mom taking care of us was important but it was also important to my brothers and sisters also. There are some things that are a little more unique and personal to me. The first that comes to my mind is dealing with all of my injuries and ailments. I know that there were health issues when I was younger but the first I can recall was when I broke my thumb on the monkey bars at school in kindergarten. The joke in our family as we moved around was that the first thing Mom and Dad did when we got to our new home was find where the closest emergency room was located. There were broken bones, sprains, stitches, and many various bumps and bruises. Mom was there for shots I hated, casts being put on, crutches being given out, and on, and on, and on.

And through it all she kept a sense of humor and did not become over-protective. There are coaches and school administrators who must have thought she was so uncaring. When I took the hockey stick to the nose, she arrived to pick me up to take me to the doctor laughing, saying I had really “done it big time now.” When the coach was calling to tell her about my broken arm, after hearing who was on the phone, her response was, “What did he break this time?” Through it all, I knew nobody loved me more than my mom.

The other personal touch of love from my mom is part of what led to many of my injuries. As my blog profile states, I am a big sports fan, both playing and watching. Mom, for the most part, did not really care one way or anther about sports. Yet, she was there for every Little League baseball game, every football game, and until I got to Jr. High, I don’t think she missed a sporting event that I was involved with and then it was only because she had 4 kids and couldn’t be everywhere at once. But she worked in the concession stands, joined booster clubs, and she and Dad were the ideal sports parents in that they were totally supportive but not overbearing in the least.

And as for watching sports, I know there were many times she probably would have rather watched something besides football, baseball, basketball or whatever, but she allowed me to watch.

This brings me to my current admiration I have for my Mom. Her and Dad “retired” to a small community in Texas about 3 ½ years ago. I put that in quotes because Mom is busier than ever. Her schedule is enough to wear out a healthy 25 year old.

Due to health issues, Mom started taking a water aerobics class several years ago. Soon after moving to Texas she discovered a Senior Center with a swimming pool. Before you could say, “Surf’s up!” Mom was teaching her own water aerobics class. These aren’t your nursing home, stand in one place and wave your arms classes, her classes are work outs. That was how her instructor led the program so that is how she teaches it.

As Dad began retirement, through his church, he started delivering Meals-on-Wheels on Fridays. He soon discovered that he didn’t do well with retirement so he took a part time job that has moved into more of a full time position. So Mom took over his Meals route. Gradually, she began to fill in on other days when they needed a replacement driver. She was soon doing routes 3 to 4 days a week.

By the way, have I mentioned that before I was born, my mom was a Marine? Yes, she served in the United States Marine Corps. She went through boot camp and beyond. (Dad also served as a Marine.) Mom and Dad joined the local American Legion Post. Of course, my mom jumped in full force and is now the First Vice Commander of the Post, responsible for membership. This is the ideal job for her. I have often said that if Mom was ever in a competition that required a talent, she would blow away her competition by her ability to work a room. No one is a stranger and she will soon find out if they qualify to be a Legion member. If she finds out you qualify, you might as well save time and sign up.

Somewhere along the way, Mom also became involved with the local veteran’s council. It is a non-profit group that focuses on providing free van rides for veterans for doctors and hospital visits. She handles finding and scheduling drivers as needed by the veterans. It can be quite a juggling act but she gets it done.

I am not sure of the name of the organization but Mom is also involved with a program distributing refurbished computers to veterans. This is for any veteran, simply based on need. There are currently a large number of computers and monitors sitting on the floor of her garage.

This lady who gave birth to me is fussy about the work that is done in each of the projects with which she is involved. The work has to be done in a detailed, correct, and timely manner.

As I said earlier, Mom has had a schedule that would a tire a healthy 25 year old.

I have mentioned the term “healthy” a couple of times now. I use that term because Mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

The good news is that her prognosis is very good. She is currently going through a very strong chemo program, facing surgery and then radiation treatment. These means while her prognosis is good, she has a tough fight facing her. Typical of Mom, she plans to slow down, JUST A LITTLE.

Because she is not sure of how she is going to feel on a day-to-day basis, she has temporarily given up on delivering Meals-on-Wheels.

She has also had to temporarily suspend her water aerobics classes. Even if she has the energy, she is not able to get into the water due to her chemo requiring a Port-A-Cath. She has a scar and until it totally heals, the Health Department won’t let her in the water.

She is currently suffering from some exhaustion so it is good that she has slowed, "a little". Mom is still scheduling veterans and drivers, is trying to get computers out to vets, and is working on the yearbook for the American Legion Post.

My Mom, the Energizer Bunny personified.

I am paraphrasing a sign I have seen in offices and construction sites for years but it fits Mom.
Mom has done so much, for so long, with so little, she can now do anything with nothing.

I love my mom. I admire my mom. She is my biggest fan and biggest supporter. She faces a battle but this lady is a fighter. I have no doubt that she is going to come through this process with flying colors and return to a full busy and, for her, fulfilling schedule. To this I say, “GO MOM! I LOVE YOU!” I hope you realize I feel this way everyday.

Keep Smilin!!

© 2009 Eddy Seegers, All Rights Reserved

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