Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Life Lessons by Eddy: Smile

Life Lessons by Eddy: Smile


This is one of my favorite topics.

Smiling. Smiles. Grinning from ear to ear. Looking happy or like you are in a good mood.

With all of the shortages that we hear about, I feel one of the things that we are missing today is smiles. If you are happy, or feel good, or are excited, or just want to brighten someones day, SMILE!!!!!!! I cannot put enough exclamation points to get my point across. Smile, smile, smile!

I used to work directly with teenagers and one of the oddities of working with people in this age group was the lack of smiles from girls and the over-abundance of smiles from the guys. (Note: this is a point I am making in general. I know there are girls that constantly have bright smiling faces most of the time and there are boys that are brooding and seem to lack the ability to show the visual form of happiness, the smile.) I was often amazed at how many young ladies would walk around looking like they had just left the funeral of their best friend. Guys on the other hand seemed to smile, and yes, laugh, much of the time and often at inappropriate times.

One of my observations in life is how much better looking people are when they smile. I would often counsel young ladies who would complain about their lack of attention from the young men. As gently as possible, I would try to explain how their facial expression was affecting how other people saw them. If any girls or young ladies are reading this, I doubt that there are many guys who are going to be interested in someone that looks like they are angry at the world all of the time. If you always have a frown on your face, people in general are not going to want to be around you.

Look at the people who get all of the attention and who have the most friends. I would be willing to bet most are the ones that have a bubbly personality and who have a constant smile on their face. I know I would rather be with people who look happy.

The problem with these girls is that they grow into adults and carry this frown-a-thon with them into adulthood. And to make matters worse, they seem to bring more and more of the guys over to the dark side with them.

Yes, I know, that with adulthood comes more responsibilities and worries, but it also allows more freedom. If more people just thought about the many blessings that they have, the opportunities that we all have, and the health benefits that come from smiling, smiles would be the order of the day.

Before I finish, I want to issue this challenge to anyone who reads this posting. Tomorrow, don't put it off, do it tomorrow, I want you to try to smile as much as you can. When you wake up, think about the opportunity you have for a new day and smile. When you shower, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, head out into the world, no matter what it is, smile. Smile while you drive or when you get on the bus. Smile as you meet both people you know and don't know. If something doesn't go well or upsets you, smile. I know that last one is tough, but it can be done. I know because I have done it. If you are feeling a little under the weather, smile and position your body as if you felt well and see if just that small adjustment doesn't make you feel better. Again, I bet you it will.

Smile at everyone you can. Go out of your way to smile at people who annoy you. Like I said earlier, this one can be tough, but I have done it before so I know you can. And besides, if they know you don't like them and you are smiling at them so much, it might drive them crazy with worry trying to figure out what is making you so happy.

And finally, when you go to bed, it is time for one last smile. Think back on all the smiling you did during the day. As your head rests on the pillow, and you close your eyes, smile one last time.

To finish, I earlier mentioned to count your blessings. Sometimes we take our many blessings for granted or fail to realize the small things we should be thankful for. This was sent to me via an email an it has made me smile all day long every time I think of it. "There is so much to be thankful for if you only take the time to look... I am currently being extremely thankful that wrinkles don't hurt."

See what I mean. So many little things that we take for granted. :) (A computer smile for all.)

Keep Smilin'!!


© 2008 Eddy Seegers

Is your business, service or community group looking for a speaker for an upcoming meeting or event. My programs are uplifting and motivational. The titles of a couple of the program are “Caught in a Monkey Trap” and “Life Lessons Learned Playing Little League.” I can tailor either of these to your organization or design a presentation for your unique situation. Email me at for more information.

If you listen to the news media you are constantly bombarded with scary reports directly affecting our health. Super bug infections, bird flu, flu pandemics, and even the threat of bio-terrorism such as anthrax. Almost every report that I have read said that the first and best line of defense against of these is a strong immune system. My research has shown me that there is a family of products out there that can give your immune system the support it needs. Transfer Factor® and the Transfer Factor® family of products. If you don’t like capsules or pills, check out Rio Vida®, a wonderful tasting berry drink. There is also Transfer Factor Chewable. Visit and bookmark the web page. Read The Transfer Factor Story.
Click_here for details.

Monday, July 28, 2008

More Than a Foundation

Today’s Life Lesson is a little different. It builds on something that is preached, coached, taught, and drummed into our heads from a young age. It is something that is referred back to if things start to go awry. Curious?

We must build a firm foundation.

How many times have we heard that we must build a firm foundation. Sports teams that struggle hear how they need to get back to the fundamentals so they have a solid foundation to build on. We have to have a solid foundation in our education so we can build on it as we continue to grow in our educational experiences. Almost everything we do or are involved with in life has to have a good, strong foundation. But…

No matter how strong of a foundation we have, if there is a “house of straw” built on top of it, the slightest wind will know it down.

A little more direct, we need to make sure that we don’t rely on the foundation only as we move on in life. It is great to learn your multiplication tables in 3rd grade but it does you little good if you don’t have a concept of more complex mathematical studies. A football team that relies only on the fundamentals will be beaten by teams that are more advanced and have built strong offenses and defenses on the foundation they built.

The same goes with our relationships whether they be spiritual, personal, or business. If we don’t continue to grow building stronger and more advanced relationships with God, our family, friends, and lovers, and our business associates, those relationships will begin to crumble. And they will crumble even if they have a strong underlying foundation.

As you grow through life, remember, that you MUST have a strong foundation to build upon but you must also build and maintain strong structures on top of those foundations. Or the slightest of winds will blow down the house that you built of straw.

Keep Smilin’!!

Do you need a speaker for a company meeting or seminar? Send me an email to this address: Click_here

Are you interested in making money while helping others and yourself live a healthier life, check out my site at this link. Health_and_Wealth

Saturday, July 26, 2008

PGHS Class of 78

I lift my glass in a toast to the Pleasant Grove High School Class of 1978.

I had the pleasure of attending my 30th class reunion this past weekend. It was at least 18 years since I had seen anyone there. Many I had not seen in 30 years, since the night we graduated. The occupations were as varied as the people in attendance. 30 years had changed us in many ways. More pounds, lots of gray hair, talk of not only children but grandchildren. There were people who looked just the same as they did 3 decades past and then those who I had to rely on name badges to recall.

There was a special bond that existed between us. We marched to our own drumbeat. It was a wonderful evening that was way too short.

I could spend the evening typing stories that would tug at my heart and bore you to death. I won't. To all of those in attendance, I have missed you and it did a world of wonder for me to see you again. To those that were not able to make it, I still miss you. There was talk of having the reunions every 5 years instead of 10. I hope that you will be able to make it next time.

I think the best way to tell my readers a little about the Pleasant Grove High School Class of 1978. I spoke to a teacher/coach a few years after we had graduated. He told me that the school had become very boring since our class had left.

Again, I lift my glass and toast to my fellow classmates. We were might and we were great, we were the Class of 78.

Keep Smilin'!!

P.S. The line of the night at the reunion. I asked one of my old crushes where her husband was. Her reply? " I am currently between husbands." She always did have a way of putting things.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Flag Day, June 14, 2008

Tomorrow, June 14th, is Flag Day. I was going to write a little about the history of the flag and Flag Day. However, I found a TREMENDOUS website that covers just about everything you could want to know about the flag of the United States of America. What is not there probably has a link to a site where there is more information. I found this while at work and had to make myself get off the site and get back to my day job.

I encourage you to read the history of the flag and the History of Flag Day. Navigate around and read some of the essays, poems, and speeches. I strongly recommend the essay by J. Ollie Edmunds. Here is the link: Click_here.

When I see the Stars and Stripes fly, it still gives me a chill. I know that may sound corny to some or overly dramatic to others, but it is truly the way I feel. I proudly fly the flag outside my home. I love my country and love the flag that represents it. When I see a flag flying, I see in my mind the picture taken at Iwo Jima. I see the firemen at the wreckage of the World Trade Center buildings.

I feel the pride of a military family that has served our country. My mom’s uncle’s remains have never been found after his plane went down in North Africa in World War II. I have an uncle that was wounded in Vietnam. Both my parents were Marines. When my dad had to accept a medical discharge, he looked to join the CIA. This was at the beginning of the Vietnam War and when the military was beginning to be scorned and looked down upon.

I feel the pain of those who have lost love ones, both throughout history and in the current war against Islamo-Fascism being fought today in Iraq, Afghanistan, and throughout the world. I haven’t known anyone personally that has lost their life in the current conflict but I have friends that have lost loved ones. While I regret the loss of every life I also remember that the lost souls are approximately the number that died on the beaches of Normandy, June 6, 1944, D-Day.

What inspires me are the stories I have read or been told of how the Stars and Stripes inspired so many of these willing to give their lives in service to this country.

I honestly feel the pride swell when I see one of the giant flags that often fly along an interstate highway. When the wind is blowing and Old Glory is ruffling, I tend to think, wow, I love this country. Yes, I put my hand on my heart when the flag goes by or I remove my cap. It is an honor and a privilege to salute the symbol of the United States of America.

If any one reads this blog, I encourage you to fly a flag on June 14th, Flag Day. And you might as well fly it again on Sunday, June 15th, as Father’s Day is another day the flag should be flown.

Keep Smilin’!!

© Eddy Seegers 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Life Lesson: Push Through

Monday through Friday, I awaken at 4:30 a.m. so I can be sure I get a work out for the day before heading to my day job. My primary exercise is a walking, jogging, running trip around the neighborhood. I go for about 45 minutes and I have gotten to a point where I look forward to the exercise and time spent to improve my health.

Today was 'one of those days', however. My first sign was that I pushed the doze button on my alarm clock and had to rely on my backup alarm to get me going on time. Now, I have had to use the backup alarm before but something about this morning was different. As I started to put my workout clothes on and tie my shoes, the thought kept going through my mind, “Go back to bed. It won’t hurt you to miss one day.” I pressed on even though other parts of my body seemed to join the chorus with the brain about taking the day off.

As I went out the door, my mind decided that the first attack wasn’t working, so it hit me from another direction.

“Instead of including the jogging and running, just take a walk.”

Normally, on the weekends, since I allow myself to sleep in, I usually just power walk but go for a longer distance. My mind was screaming, “just take a short version of the weekend walk.” As I reached the first corner at the end of my block, I was starting to agree. Okay, just a walk today.

As I rounded the corner, to leave my subdivision, my body decided to put its opinion into the mix. My legs and arms felt stiff. They didn’t really loosen up like they normally do by this point. Instead of a power walk, let’s just make it a nice stroll. The temperature outside of Houston this morning was a little lower that it has been, in the lower 70’s. It was a very pleasant morning. "Go on big guy, let’s just take a leisurely stroll and enjoy the cooler morning." It was about this time that I hit the point where I normally begin to jog a little.

Personal note – I have done athletic activities since I was a small boy. I have had all manner of injuries and ailments from minor to major. One of the things that I pride myself about my athletic background is that I have learned to listen and understand what my body is telling me. I know when it is just sore and wanting a break and when it is not good for me to continue. A good example is from probably the worst injury that I have suffered, a dislocated knee while playing baseball. All the ligaments, cartilage were damaged. For the most part, the bottom of my leg was not really still in connection with the top part of my leg. I knew it was bad when my sister the nurse gasped when she first saw it at the emergency room.

Anyway, I was going to the doctor on a frequent basis, following every instruction to ensure that I healed quickly and correctly. It came a time when I was on a doctor’s visit when he told me that I could probably start to wean myself from the crutches in about two weeks. I picked up the crutches, walked across the exam room, and told the doctor that I already had gotten off them. I just used them for his benefit when I came in that day.

I tell that story for this reason; I knew when I first tried to put weight on my leg back then, I realized it was too soon. So I backed off. But I tried it again, every so often, and finally there was something different when I put the weight on my knee. Yes, it still hurt but that was going to happen. I knew that it was time to start putting more pressure on it. Slowly but surely, the leg got better. I knew what my body was telling me.

This morning I knew my body was just trying to get off easy. I hit the spot where I begin to jog, something clicked telling me that I needed to jog until I got to the run portion of the workout.

You know what?

My body responded. I pushed through all of the negative thoughts I was having. I pushed through all the soreness and stiffness that seemed to hit me for some reason. By the time I got to the last portion of the workout, my body was ready to go. So much so, that I had to make myself back off a little to keep from over doing it. (I am still not in top form, so I have to be careful. I am 47 not 27.)

The life lesson that I followed today is that sometimes you have to push through. I used my morning workout as the example but it is so much more important in the rest of your life. We all have times when things are not going the way that we want. We feel like, “What’s the use?” Nothing is working out.

Or even on a lesser scale, we get to a point where we are like my body; life has us a little sore and stiff. So what if we just coast through the day, our job, the project we are working on, or maybe even things in our personal life. You know, the old story, my co-workers know I appreciate what they do, I don’t need to say anything. She knows I love her; I don’t need to tell her.

The problem with this is the same reason I was determined to have a good workout this morning, if I let myself slack off this one time, it becomes easier the next. If we coast through one day on the job and nothing bad happens, why not try it more often. Soon it becomes a habit. A bad habit. Hopefully, you can see all of the ramifications that would, could, and do occur in your personal life.

Learn to recognize the times when you need to push through and then push through. My workout was great because I pushed through. Just think about the things we can accomplish if we push through in the rest of our lives.

Keep Smilin’!!

© Eddy Seegers 2008

I honestly believe that part of what helped me recover so quickly from my knee injury were some of the greatest natural supplements on the market. They have helped me to live a healthier and more dynamic life than I would have had, if I had not discovered these products. Check them out by clicking on the link. I truly believe they improved my quality of life and that they can do the same for you. Click_here for details.

I have some wonderful programs that I would love to share with your company, social club, or civic organization. These programs are meant to inspire, motivate, and help you become the best possible you that you can become. If you want to know more or would like to book me to speak, please email me at this address,

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Life Lesson: Enemies and Friends

This is a Life Lesson that is hard to learn and even harder to put into action.

Allow your enemies to be your teachers and beware of your friends.

No matter who you are and how you live your life, there are going to be people that don’t like you, those who you do not get along, and maybe some folks that you cannot find a way to like them. As I was thinking about this topic, one former co-worker just kept coming to mind. From the moment I met him, he took a disliking to me. Why? I don’t know. Like I said, it showed from the very first moment we met. I like to think that I can get along with anyone but this guy just did not want to be in the same area code as me. We were able to co-exist for a time. Then, even though he had seniority, I was promoted to a supervisory position where he had to report directly to me. There were several occasions where I thought he was going to get physical when our discussions did not go as he wanted.

Unfortunately, it was not until several years later that I realized how much of an asset he was to me. Yes, he was insubordinate, disagreeable, and I thought he often would deliberately make mistakes to cause problems. But because of this generally disagreeable co-worker, I was a much better worker and supervisor.

I knew that every function that I asked him to perform would be challenged. I had to be prepared to defend decisions. I had to make sure all policies and procedures were followed to the letter. I had to quickly learn how to inspire someone who did not want to be inspired. I also had to learn how to stand up for my mistakes because every little thing I did was being scrutinized and even the smallest error was highlighted.

He also provided one other benefit, and that was that he was brutally honest with me. He did not agree with me because I was the boss. He did not give me compliments to make me feel good. He did not give me answers that he thought I wanted to hear, and in fact, always tried to find a way to take an opposing view. If he did ever agree with my point of view, I was fairly confident that the other point of view had to be glaringly wrong.

That brings me to the lesson of beware of your friends.

I guess the best way to get my point across here is by asking a question. How is a friend actually a friend if they will only say nice things to keep from hurting your feelings?

This is a flaw that I had and still have to fight. If someone asks my opinion or what I think about their point of view, I reflexively want to give the answer that will make them have good feelings. I see this many times when a friend has a disagreement with someone else. I listen to the details of the argument. There have been times where I felt my friend had been a total jerk, without even hearing the other side of the story, but I still told my friend he or she was right/justified/or whatever. I gave them what they wanted to hear.

I know that I have had friends do the same thing towards me. I often ask people’s opinions about my writings, speeches, projects, and so on. 95% of the time, I just get courteous affirmations.

It is the other 5% that I truly desire. While I do not want to be ripped, “you can’t write,” or “you’re a terrible speaker,” I do want an honest and thoughtful response. If my writing is boring or too wordy (I know I can be that) or simple-minded, I want to know. Give me an example. I know I can go monotone if I get lost in thought while I am speaking. Tell me, because next time, I will have that on my mind and will be more likely to not allow myself to mentally wander as much.

So take this lesson with you. Don’t discount the thoughts and opinions of your enemies. Often, they are going to be more dead on that we want to admit. Don’t let your friends’ and family’s opinion carry too much weight unless you know they are well-thought and truly honest. Finally, be the friend that your friends can trust to give an honest opinion.

Keep Smilin’!!

© 2008 Eddy Seegers

Is your business, service or community group looking for a speaker for an upcoming meeting or event. My programs are uplifting and motivational. The titles of a couple of the program are “Caught in a Monkey Trap” and “Life Lessons Learned Playing Little League.” I can tailor either of these to your organization or design a presentation for your unique situation. Email me at for more information.

If you listen to the news media you are constantly bombarded with scary reports directly affecting our health. Super bug infections, bird flu, flu pandemics, and even the threat of bio-terrorism such as anthrax. Almost every report that I have read said that the first and best line of defense against of these is a strong immune system. My research has shown me that there is a family of products out there that can give your immune system the support it needs. Transfer Factor® and the Transfer Factor® family of products. If you don’t like capsules or pills, check out Rio Vida®, a wonderful tasting berry drink. There is also Transfer Factor Chewable. Visit and bookmark the web page. Read The Transfer Factor Story.
Click_here for details.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Getting back on track with some Random Ramblings!

If you package the same old worn out, did not work the first time, liberal to socialistic ideas in a new package and call it ‘change we can believe in’, is it really change?

Michelle and Barack Obama seem to be fairly chummy with Louis Farrakhan. This scares me as much as their association with Rev. Wright.

I agree with many of the bloggers I read on a regular basis, I am going to miss having Hillary in the campaign.

Does anyone else feel like this election is going to be about selecting the ‘lesser of evils”, so to speak?

Why, if 31,000 scientists sign a statement saying the Al Gore version of man-made global warming is bull-squeeze, did this not make the lead of every major newscast and the front page of every newspaper still being published?

And if these scientists are making statements like this, why is the Lieberman-Warner bill still up for debate in Congress? And why are the likes of Senator Barbara Boxer still advocating the economy killing bill? This bill has been called the biggest reorganization of the American economy since the 1930’s.

Off of politics now. It has been a while so I had to vent a little there.

Why are people satisfied with mediocrity? I here so many people saying that they hope things get better but they are not willing to do anything themselves to make things better. This is meant for all areas of life.

I have been hearing quite a bit lately about ‘the Millennials’ lately, the group of kids, now beginning to get to the workplace, who were brought up with NO SCORE sports, ‘Participation Awards’, parents suing teachers if junior earned a bad grade on his report card, and just all around being coddled. Now, they are getting a dose of the real world and they are not ready for it. Gee, ya think?!?

Come to think of it, based on the Millennials format, I should be getting my Pulitzer Participation Award any time now. Just for writing this lil ol’ blog that nobody reads. Woo Hoo! Another trophy for on top of the filing cabinet to go with my bowling trophies. Which, by the way, I had to EARN by being on a CHAMPIONSHIP team. We didn’t win this past season, so no trophy. As it should be.

I am going to dust off the filing cabinet, just in case I my Participation Award is on its way.

Keep Smilin’.

© 2008 Eddy Seegers

Do you need a speaker for a company meeting or seminar? Send me an email to this address: Click_here

Are you interested in making money while helping others and yourself live a healthier life, check out my site at this link. Health_and_Wealth

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Beware the Cold Water Committee

You wake up one morning with a great idea for a new business. You jump out of bed and hurry through your morning routine full of energy and excitement. You tell your spouse all the little details that have come running into your mind. The more you think about it, the more specific the idea becomes. The more specific the details about the idea, the more convinced you are that this is going to be a great opportunity.

However, your spouse immediately talks about how you need to be careful taking too big of a risk.

You are driving for the carpool on this morning and you start to pick up the riders. You excitedly tell your idea to your friends. One by one they give you stories about other friends and family members who failed in their attempts for business projects.

At work, your tell your co-workers about the idea. Now you are hearing stories about how you don’t want to do something like that because of all the security you have at your job. Going out on your own means you might lose health insurance. Oh yeah, you are not yet fully vested in your 401(k) plan matching funds so you would lose that if you leave now. And what about the annual Christmas Party. You always buy the best gifts for the White Elephant gift exchange.

You boss seems to know business, so you decide to tell him about your idea. What you don’t know is that he has had dozens of great ideas for business but has been frozen by fear of going out on his own. He starts to tell you about all of the obstacles you will have to face before you can even put up the “OPEN” sign. He then tells you about all of the regulations which make it “impossible” to succeed if you open a new business now. And everybody knows that you don't open a business with the economy like it is right now. (No matter what the economy is like!)

By the time you get home, you are wondering why you were so excited about such a stupid, risky, dangerous business idea.

Congratulations! You have just become a new victim of the Cold Water Committee. Unknowingly, they make it their purpose to throw cold water on anything exciting or new. They become the anchor that drags others seeking to find bigger and better things for their lives.

My lesson to you today is this. There are members of the Cold Water Committee almost everywhere you turn. Family. Friends, Co-workers. Total strangers. Your best defense is knowing when you are having cold water poured on your fire of excitement. Knowing what is happening is the best way to fight. You can hear all of the negative talk and just realize it is cold water. You can change the topic. You can tune them out, which is a little rude but it works. Or you can do like I have done. Laugh at them. I laugh at them because I have learned that the better an idea is, the more likely there are to be naysayers. So when someone starts bad mouthing an idea I have had, I begin to think this might be an even better idea than I thought to begin with.

Keep Smilin’!!

© 2008 Eddy Seegers

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Random Thoughts for February

I have never been known for my ability to sing, other than how much of a lack of ability I have. But I want to thank Teddy Kennedy for letting me know that there are people who do sing even worse than I do.

Speaking of Senator Kennedy and his song, did it bother anyone else that a UNITED STATES senator singing a song glorifying another country and pandering at one of the lowest levels for the votes of a cultural demographic.

I would love to be a fly on the wall at the Shillary Clinton campaign strategy meetings. If the stories of her temper are true, I bet she could put some of the most hot tempered football coaches to shame when it comes to a good ol’ fashioned butt chewing. Did anyone say peel the paint off a wall?

Still on Shillary, I have heard no less than five radio talk show hosts or callers to their shows apologize to sailors for comparing their ability to use profanity with the former first lady. I get chills just thinking about the combination of the language and her shrill voice.

As February winds down, we get closer to the excitement that is March Madness, the NCAA basketball tournament. March Madness and the Super Bowl are the two sporting events that get extraordinary attention even from non-sports fans. Have you started thinking about your bracket yet?

Baseball Spring Training started this past week. Grapefruit and Cactus league games begin this week. And in about 5 weeks, the regular season begins. The great thing about this time of the year for baseball fans is that, no matter which team you pull for, there is the hope that this year is the year. Come the end of October, fans of 29 teams will be disappointed. Look out, I know this is the year for my Houston Astros!

Why do people that park their shopping cart so it blocks the entire aisle seem irritated when you say, “Excuse me” while trying to pass by?

I really need to be more understanding with people that say they could never give themselves a shot. That is a common reaction I get when I tell people that I give myself 5 shots of insulin a day for my diabetes. I need to be understanding because I used to say the same thing. To this day, I hate the sight of needles but I have learned to not think about it. Just hurry and get it over with. You truly do what you need to do. Especially when it involves your health.

If you are one of the people that wants to take the “outrageous profits” from evil corporations, just remember, it is the consumer that will end up paying more. In other words, you and me.

Speaking of corporate profits, it amazes me that so few politicians seem to know the basics of economics. I would love to ask one of the two current Democrat Presidential candidates to explain the difference between profit and profit margins. I have a 5 dollar bill in my pocket that I would wager that they couldn’t answer in the spur of the moment.

Until next time, think positive, happy thoughts. Combine those thoughts with a smile and you can’t help but feel better.


© 2008 Eddy Seegers

Do you need a speaker for a company meeting or seminar? Send me an email to this address: Click_here

Are you interested in making money while helping others and yourself live a healthier life, check out my site at this link. Health_and_Wealth

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feeling Disappointed

I know, I know. For the most part I am supposed to be sharing things that are uplifting and positive. And for many people, my last post was not the most uplifting prose I have ever written, even though it was uplifting to me. I love to tweak liberals. For those of you that don't realize it, I feel like liberals are some of the most depressed and depressing people in the world. If you want an example, listen to what Sen. Shillary and Sen. Obama actually are saying once you get past the empty "time for a change" slogans they throw about. If you listened to them, the United States sounds like the worst country in the world in which to live.

Side note: If this country is so bad, why are there 25 million illegal immigrants here from Mexico. Oh yeah, our health care system is terrible. But wait, don't we have heads of state from around the world come to our country for medical treatment? Not to say that I don't have issues with the FDA, but people come here because they knew that a mostly free market health care system provides the top of the line research, care, and treatment they desire.

Another example is Nutcase Nancy Pelosi, a charming lady who failed to find her way out of the 60's except in the way she dressed so she could get elected, is talking about how the "surge" in Iraq is an absolute failure. How unfortunate for this preacher of gloom and doom, that the same day she made these comments, it was being reported that intercepted Al-Qaeda documents stated that Al-Qaeda in Iraq is in disarray due to losses in battle, defections, and lack of leadership. A couple days later it was reported that 2007 saw an increase in U.S. contractor deaths in Iraq, but the incidents of these deaths spiked significantly downward after the surge. Sorry Ms. Speaker, but your comments don't fit the facts.

Okay, okay, I will get to why I am disappointed. I know not many people read my blog yet. I am hoping (or am I channeling Senator Obama) that it will gain a more consistent readership in the near future. However, I am disappointed that not one "progressive" read the article and sent me some hate mail. Or called me greedy, a racist, or a bigot. None of which I am, but these are part of Chapter One of the Liberal Book on how to attack a conservative. "Forget the facts, call him a politically charged name!"

Sadly though, not one little peep. I guess that means I have to get the word of my blog to more people. Until then, unless you are part of my family, if you want to send me some hate mail or call me an insulting name to make me feel better, I would truly be grateful.

Until next time, KEEP SMILIN'!

(c) 2008 Eddy Seegers

If you want to learn more about being "Caught in a Monkey Trap" or if you need a speaker for an event or program, email me Here.

With all the chemicals we come into contact with everyday and everywhere we go, it would be nice to have something that might be able to help our bodies fight back. Check out Super Detox(r) formula and the family of Transfer Factor(r) products at the following link. I solidly believe in these products. Click_Here!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Short Blog - Long Foot Note

I saw this headline on one of the internet websites where I scan the headlines to see if something catches my interest. I was interested but never got to read the story because I forgot which website had it listed. The general idea was that Republicans are currently divided philosophy while the Democrats are divided by sex and race.

I started to actually laugh when I read that and thought about what it was saying. Republicans, from the party of the conservatives who are regularly portrayed as mean, heart-less, don't-care-about-the-little-guy racists and sexists, are involved in a great debate about philosophies and ideas. The Democrats, from the party of the "progressives"* who are supposed to be so open-minded and free from all of the evil "-isms", are battling because of sex and race. I am actually audibly laughing at the irony of the situation. This is going to be fun to watch.

Like I have said, political races are my second favorite spectator sport.

* - Progressives. Otherwise known as liberals. My apologies to Bill Shakespeare but a liberal by any other name, especially progressive, is merely ashamed of who he/she is or playing with terminolgy to fool others. It is funny to see how proud conservatives are to be conservative but many liberals are not so willing to call themselves liberal.

So what does a liberal do when he is ashamed to be called a liberal? He does the time honored liberal tradition, he gives it a new name. Just like someone who has a handicap is no longer handicapped, they are physically challenged. A garbage man is no longer a garbage man, he is a waste engineer. Even blind and deaf people are now visually and audibly impaired. And now, a liberal is a "progressive." The first thing I think of when I hear someone call themself progressive is our "progressive tax system." By its very nature, a progressive tax system is regressive. It forcibly takes money from achievers and gives it to non-achievers. I will stop there before I get on a rant about our tax system. let me just encourage you to check out the web link I have up that says No More IRS.

Another thing that progressive is that in the name of progress these people and politicians promote ideas and concepts that tear at the very foundations of traditional American values. I recently read where New York teachers were told to stop using the term "Mom and Dad" and they should use the term parents. This was so children of homosexual couples would not be confused. Excuse me while I rant, GIVE ME A BREAK!!! Children of a traditional family merely need to be told that there are some families where there are 2 mommies or 2 daddies and children of homosexual couples can simply be told that most families have 1 mommy and 1 daddy. There, that solves that stupidity.

Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Okay. Now, I have settled down.

I could and should go on but this is a subject that gets me riled fairly easily. I have heard politicians and some for the general public talk about redefining themselves. Liberals seem to have made an art form of it.

Keep Smilin'!!

(c) 2008 Eddy Seegers

Is your business, service or community group looking for a speaker for an upcoming meeting or event. My programs are uplifting and motivational. The titles of a couple of the program are “Caught in a Monkey Trap” and “Life Lessons Learned Playing Little League.” I can tailor either of these to your organization or design a presentation for your unique situation. Email me at for more information.

If you listen to the news media you are constantly bombarded with scary reports directly affecting our health. Super bug infections, bird flu, flu pandemics, and even the threat of bio-terrorism such as anthrax. Almost every report that I have read said that the first and best line of defense against of these is a strong immune system. My research has shown me that there is a family of products out there that can give your immune system the support it needs. Transfer Factor® and the Transfer Factor® family of products. If you don’t like capsules or pills, check out Rio Vida®, a wonderful tasting berry drink. There is also Transfer Factor Chewable. Visit and bookmark the web page. Read The Transfer Factor Story.
Click on the Health Link.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Naysayers and the Super Bowl

Giants win the Super Bowl. By now, even most non-sports fans know this. However, if you listened to all the "experts" and "professionals" the Giants did not have a chance of winning this game. My mom, one of the aforementioned non-sports fans, was even rooting for the Giants because she heard so much about how the Patriots were going to win and how the Giants didn't have a chance. Being a fan of the underdog, Mom was strongly supporting the eventual champs.

Now the Giants could have rolled over at any time and said, "Hey, we are not supposed to win. Why bother putting in all the effort?" They were supposed to lose in the first round of the playoffs to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. It was a minor upset but an upset none-the-less when they beat the Bucs. Next they faced my beloved Dallas Cowboys. The Cowboys were the number one seed and suppposed to go to the Super Bowl representing the NFC. The Giants didn't have a chance. Why, they had already lost to the Cowboys twice in the regular season. This time it was a major upset when they won.

Next, it was the Packers on the "frozen tundra of Lambeau Field" in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The temperature at game time was -1 with a windchill of about -25. Again, the Giants were huge underdogs and now they were playing in the most deplorable conditions. Twice in the closing minutes, their kicker missed a field goal that could have won the game. (See my previous blog.) but they stuck with it and won the game in overtime.

And again in the Super Bowl, against a team playing to make history by going through the season undefeated, the Giants won in a major upset. All of the naysayers said it wouldn't done. Most said it couldn't be done. But the Giants did not listen. They set their minds on one thing and that was winning the NFL Championship in Super Bowl XLII.

Have you ever wanted to do something and someone told you that you could not do it? Maybe lots of someones. You weren't good enough to make the team, they said. You are not smart enough for college you were told. You can't get that job, you don't have the right skills. You can't go into business for yourself, you will fail. Is the Life Lesson that the Giants taught obvious enough now?

Don't let the naysayers stop you. Yes, you might not make the team if you try out, but if you practice and learn, you might. Maybe you have to take some remedial courses or start at a junior college or community college, or even have to hire a tutor, but I bet you can get that education. Maybe you don't have the job skills now but you can learn, get training, or finish the previously mentioned college degree, and there should be plenty of opportunities if you are willing to look. Finally, yes, maybe, if you start a business you might fail, but you might also succeed. You will never know unless you try.

Michael Strahan of the Giants said this, "If we are going to play the game, we might as well win." You may never shut up the naysayers, but you can sure quiet them for a while by winning.

(c) 2008 Eddy Seegers

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Difference Between a Hero and a Goat

I hope you were able to watch the NFC Championship game last night between the Packers and the Giants. Or at least the end of the game. For those of you who are were in a cave over the weekend, the Giants beat the Packers 23 to 20 in overtime. Only the final score does not tell the drama of the game. Giants kicker, Lawrence Tynes, missed two field goals in regulation, including one as the regulation time ended. If you were watching the game, you saw Giants coach Tom Coughlin looking disgusted at the young kicker. Two times he had the opportunity to win the game and two times he missed.

Did it matter that the temperature at the end of the game was -4 or that the wind chill was around -25? No. Lawrence Tynes job was to go out on the field when the coach called and kick the ball through the uprights. And he failed twice.

His coach was obviously displeased with him. His teammates probably were not very pleased with him either. Now matter how much confidence he has in himself, Lawrence Tynes probably had doubts about himself after the second kick. It would have been easy for him to give up. It would have been easy for him to have totally lost his focus and concentration. He could have blamed the elements. He could have blamed a bad snap on the second kick. He could have hung his head and felt sorry for himself. but he didn't.

Then came the chance for redemption. 3 minutes and 25 seconds into overtime, Coach Coughlin and the Giants called on their kicker again. This time, Lawrence Tynes' kick was true and the New York Giants are going to the Super Bowl. In the brief moment from the time he kicked the ball until it went through the uprights and the referees signalled the kick good, Lawrence Tynes went from Goat to Hero.

There is such a lesson to learn for all of us here. We all face failure, sometmes in our area of expertise, in our primary career. All to often, we just give up or hang our heads. We let the mistakes get to us. We allow ourselves to let an individual failure to define us instead of coming back the next time and the next time. We need to be like this kicker. We need to refocus and try again. There might be something equivalent to a bad snap to stop us when we try again, but we need to keep going. Tee it up again. We need to keep trotting out on to the field so to speak. If Lawrence Tynes had given up on himself, he might not be heading to the Super Bowl in two weeks. But he is, and from that, there is a lesson from which we can all learn.

(c) 2008 Eddy Seegers

I hope you enjoy my ramblings. Check out some of my links. If you are interested in better health, click the link that says "A Healthier You."

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Upper Respiratory Infections, Flu Shots and the Flu, the New Year, and other Random Ramblings

Medical people have told me over and over that a flu shot will not give me the flu. However, I have gotten 2 flu shots in my adult life and both times I have gotten the flu and an upper respiratory infection. Last time I lost my voice for 5months and I am finishing up my first week this go around with only moderate improvement in my speaking capabilities.

Looking back at Christmas 2007… I don’t know if it was just me or if everyone seemed to be in a better mood and acting nicer this past Christmas season. I didn’t see my usual number of parking lot conflicts. There was only one time I heard somebody doing some seriously rude complaining while waiting in line to check out. Fellow shoppers seemed to be friendlier. And stores clerks were much more helpful than normal, with fewer complaints from them about their job, other customers, the hours they were working, etc., etc., etc.

The number one complaint I have heard from others regarding my hoarse voice is that it is “painful” for them to listen to it. Geesh, most people say it is painful to listen to me talk because of what I am saying, not how it sounds.

Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions? Have you broken any of them yet? I have never been big on the ol’ resolution thing. If there is something that I want to change or correct, I try to do it immediately and not wait until same date on the calendar. I do try to make plans and goals for the coming year but that is more of a focus thing as those plans and goals will be refined and tweaked as needed many times during the calendar year. I use the new year as a starting point because that is the time the IRS uses as a new starting point.

At least the left-wing liberal nut cases are consistent. The loony bin leftovers that congregate at Democratic Underground are screaming election rigging and voter fraud because their man, Barack Obama or maybe Dennis Kucinich, lost the New Hampshire Democrat primary to Hillary Clinton. Now if there is anyone that I believe could steal an election, it would be the Senator Clinton and her machine. (Sorry Bush haters.) It is an old and whiny habit but the Undergrounders seem to hold to it. They don’t lose elections because their beliefs are extreme, loony, and far outside the norm, they lose elections because someone stole it. I agree with my favorite Libertarian, Neal Boortz. I love that Hillary is “back in the race.” She scares the heebee jeebees out of me, but with her in the race, it is much more fun to follow.

I never followed up on my weight loss but I am proud to say I lost 6 pounds before the flu knocked me out, and I have lost a few more thanks to not really wanting to put anything solid on my stomach for 10 days.

Right now, as much as anything else, I just want to get rid of this annoying cough so I can get back to exercising. Any deep breaths lead to a coughing attack. I know that is more info that you wanted or needed but I felt like venting after an extended hacking fit.

I am a little late but I hope not too much so. I want to be the first to wish each and everyone of you, Merry Christmas in 2008!!

© 2008 Edgar Seegers, Jr.

Is your business, service or community group looking for a speaker for an upcoming meeting or event. My programs are uplifting and motivational. The titles of a couple of the programs are “Caught in a Monkey Trap” and “Life Lessons Learned Playing Little League.” I can tailor either of these to your organization or design a presentation for your unique situation. Email me at for more information.

If you listen to the news media you are constantly bombarded with scary reports directly affecting our health. Super bug infections, bird flu, flu pandemics, and even the threat of bio-terrorism such as anthrax. Almost every report that I have read said that the first and best line of defense against of these is a strong immune system. My research has shown me that there is a family of products out there that can give your immune system the support it needs. Transfer Factor® and the Transfer Factor® family of products. If you don’t like capsules or pills, check out Rio Vida®, a wonderful tasting berry drink. There is also Transfer Factor Chewable. Visit and bookmark the web page. Read The Transfer Factor Story. Click_Here