Saturday, April 4, 2009


Live the life you've dreamed. ~Henry David Thoreau

It's better... to die alive than to live dead. ~William Markiewicz

I am an observer of people. I watch people everywhere, in stores and restaurants, in traffic, at work, and just everywhere there are folks to watch. And there is one thing that really bothers me, it is people that just seem to go through life. In other words, they are living dead.

I feel like we all have the chance to "live" their life. My problem is that is seems most people tend to go through life in neutral. People seem to just go through the motions of living life. They don't pay attention to what is going on in the world around them. As I heard someone say, it is like singing along with a song but not paying attention to what the words mean.

A few years ago, Jay Leno had a bit on his show where he would do interviews with men and women on the street and ask them questions about current events. Sean Hannity does the same thing on his radio program still today with a more political slant. What made and makes these bits humorous and somewhat disturbing, is how clueless the people are. These are folks that are walking around and don't know who the president or vice president are. Person after person who don't know current events. Rephrasing what I said earlier, funny but sad.

I am not saying this to suggest that everyone is supposed to discover a cure for diseases or create great inventions. But we all have chance to have a zest for life. There is a great big world out there with an almost infinite number of things to do, see, and experience. My problem is that there are so many people without an interest in doing, seeing, or experiencing anything outside of their everyday lives.

Think back to your senior year in high school. Most of us had big dreams and plans for when we got out of school. However, the real world hit us and instead of pushing through to chase our dreams, we settled for the easier path through life. We stopped trying to live the life about which we had dreamed.

The big solution is more than what is suitable for this article. However, I want to challenge everyone who reads this article. Have a zest for life. Look for something new, something challenging, something beautiful, and something fun everyday. Notice people and things. You may not be able to begin right away to live the life that you have dreamed, but you can start dreaming again. And then start on a path to living the life that you have dreamed.


© 2009 Eddy Seegers

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Eddy said...

Just as I finished this post, the movie "Secondhand Lions" was ending. The two uncles had just past away and young boy, now an adult, was returning to their farm after hearing of their deaths. While there, he met the grandson of the very rich shiek who was the subject of some of the many stories the uncles had told. The shiek's grandson had heard similar stories from his grandfather's perspective. He made the comment, "So they really did live." To which the grown boy responded, "Yes, they really did live." The meaning that they had lived their life with a zest. That is my goal, to have people say that I have "really lived!"

Eddy said...

It was very late (or early if you want to be technical about it), so please forgive the spelling and grammatical errors in my first comment to this post. I just re-read it and the errors screamed at me as I did. Oh well, I will try to be more awake next time.

Nan Travis said...

Not to worry, you were "living in the moment!" I'm enjoying your posts -- please keep them coming.