Friday, January 23, 2009

Wisdom From Mark Twain

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain

My time continues to be occupied by the project on which I am working. I am hoping this weekend signals the end of the major time and effort portion. I am feeling the physical and mental strain. In other words, I am tired.

I say this not for sympathy or any other reason than to say this. There are times when we don't feel like being positive. We don't feel like being happy. We are just not motivated. Yes, I know that we have the ability to chose our mood and to choose our attitude but there are times when we just don't want to do anything but be a slug.

By nature, I would be a couch potato. I could easily be one of the laziest people in the world, content to watch television, read a book now and then, and sit in front of the computer for the rest of the time that I am not in bed.

At times in my life, I was a person that was satisfied with just getting by. Then I heard the Hypnotist/Motivational Speaker Marshall Sylver during a presentation. He said something very similar to the quote from Mark Twain that opened this post. Mr. Sylver was talking about Risks, Rewards, and Regrets. He stated, "In twenty years, we are going to have either REWARDS or REGRETS."

Marshall went on to say that there might be a few occurrences where someone has a regret about something that he did, but most of the time, our regrets are because of things that we decided not to do.

Personally, I wish I had learned to play an instrument. I wish I had been willing to dance at a much younger age and maybe even taken dance lessons. (I have taken ballroom dancing but I wish I had done it at a much earlier age.) There are many trips that I wish I had taken. As Marshall Sylver was talking, I wish I had taken more risks as a young adult by trying jobs and possible career paths that now I think would be fascinating. I wish I had challenged myself more in school. I wish I had taken a chance at opening my own traditional business.

We all have our list of regrets of things that we wish we had done. Yes, there things that I did that didn't turn out so well. However, instead of regretting that I tried some of things, they make for a good laugh and a warm feeling inside that comes with having tried something different.

You know, it is just a small thing. However, while next Saturday looks like a good day to be a couch potato and relax and recharge, I think I am going to the museum. There is a display at the Museum of Natural Science that explores the human body and the brain. It will be leaving town soon. If I don't go, I know I will regret it because I am fascinated by this type of program. Next week, I will look for something bigger to dream and discover.

Why don't you do the same?


© 2009 Eddy Seegers

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