Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2009!

I have never been one to concern myself with New Year’s resolutions. Why? I don't really know but I just never have. Some of it I think can be attributed to my mom who always said, “Why do you have to wait for a certain date on a calendar to make changes in your life or to turn over a new leaf. If you need to make changes in your life, make them right away.” Sage advice.

However, I have come to be a believer that we all need to take time at regular intervals to review where we are. We need to look at our personal life, our business and professional life, our finances, our health, and our relationships, as well as any other areas of our life that may need review.

Sure, if you discover a need or a change that needs to be made in May or June, you don’t want to wait until January. At the same time, we all need to take a time to review the conditions of areas of our lives. The New Year is as good a time as any to take time to reflect and critique our situations. Will June 30th work? Yes. So will February 4th, May 7th, August 1st, October 29th, or any other time of the year. The New Year is just a convenient and easy to remember time to re-examine our being.

I am still working on the professional aspects of my life but I thought I would share some of my more personal resolutions.

*I need to lose weight. I have some serious health conditions that my doctor say could be helped by losing weight. I have been on the weight roller coaster since high school. Since I am 48, that is not good. I started before Christmas and actually lost 4 pounds from December 23rd to December 30th. Even through the Christmas celebration, I was able to lose weight. A good start. My long term goal is much larger, but my initial goal is to lose 20 pounds.

*I need to be a better “boyfriend” to my “girlfriend.” I often refer to her as my “maybe, sometimes, sorta, kinda, once in a while girlfriend.” We have dated. We have known each other for just over a year and our dating relationship has been up and down. Upon reflection, and it didn’t take much effort, I realized I have not been a good partner. Even as I type this, I am having a hard time to describe our relationship. Partner sounds strange but boyfriend and girlfriends is not really accurate either. We introduce each other as “my friend.” I need to make a better effort to be a good friend and, then hopefully, be a good boyfriend and then maybe more.

*Finally, I need to do a better job writing my blog. I got off purpose for a while and I have deleted many of my posts since they did not meet the purpose. I will make a better effort to write on a regular and more consistent basis. And I want to keep an eye and ear on society so that my posts can be more relevant at the moment I write them.


© 2009 Eddy Seegers

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