Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Quick Quote

"I am easily satisfied with the very best." ~Winston Churchill

So very often, we as a society and as individuals have "settled" for what we get in life. I think the best example is to remember the hopes and dreams most of us had when we graduated from high school. There were hopes and dreams. We were going to have the best of everything. We would own and live in a large, comfortable home. We would drive a top of the line automobile, if not two. We would have the job of our dreams and quickly move up the ladder.

Slowly, however, we began to "settle." First, we decided to settle on a slightly lesser degree in college or even with just taking some courses. Then we settle on a less than satisfying job because it paid the bills or met the needs of the moment. Next, we settled on the used, low mileage, run of the mill car. I could go on and on. Very few of us have not "settled", at least on some things.

Most importantly though, we have learned to "settle" for less than the best from ourselves. It is one thing to live a modest life with modest means, if we are giving our best. It is another, for us to live that life because we have not given our best. We cheat ourselves and others if we do not give our best.

As I have mentioned, I love to watch people. Too many people are willing to accept mediocrity. Too many of us are willing to go through the motions as we live our lives. Go to the grocery store sometime and watch people. Just observe and see how people behave. See how many people appear to be robotically moving through their shopping.

My challenge to you and to myself: don't settle. Learn to be satisfied with the best, especially from yourself. Be the best you you can be. Be the best worker, employee, boss, etc., at work. Be the best friend you can be. The best father, mother, son, daughter, husband or wife. In everything, strive to be the best. Accept only the best from yourself. Then you can learn how to to be satisfied with the best in everything else.


© 2009 Eddy Seegers

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