Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Silver Linings

"Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold." ~Maurice Setter

Today was one of those days where I just had to stop for a moment and consciously look for the silver linings. There were no great disasters, no majors issues, no meltdowns, but there was little annoying problems that came and went and came again, ALL DAY LONG! For those of you reading this, you are likely to know that these types of little problems annoy me much more than the big issues.

Finally, I got to the point where I had to make a decision. Either I was going to let all the little things get to me and allow my attitude to head south, or I could decide that I was going to have a positive attitude and a sunny outlook to the rest of the day.

I decided to look for the silver linings in everything that was occurring. I decdied to begin with the basics. I have a fairly stable career at a time when many people are worried about their jobs. While I have money worries, like almost everyone else, I am able to put food on the table, have a roof over my head, and I live in the greatest country in the world where oppotunites abound for me to grow and to make more money.

I have health issues but I have some great doctors that work in the greatest health care system in the world.

It is cold and rainy outside. I am a summer person. Weather like today makes me appreciate the summer weather even more. I know that people think that makes me certifiably crazy since I live in Houston, Texas. I like being crazy. See, another silver lining.

While they can be annoying at times, I have a great crew of people that work for me. I am sure they think the same think about me when it comes to the annoying part. Another silver lining is I think most of my crew like me also.

It is a great time of the year to be a sports fan, which I am. There is one more college bowl game. The NFL playoffs are going on. The NHL and NBA are in mid-season, and sorry Mom, spring training for baseball is just over a month away.

Even though work can be pain in the brain, I have a great family. While we have our personality conflicts, as do all families, we are there for each other in times of emergency. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse, but I feel fortunate that I am on good terms with everyone in my family.

I have come up with many more silver lings to many of the irritating events of the day but I think the family is a good place to cut it off.

I encourage anyone reading this, take time, especially when you may be having a bad day or feeling down, to look for the silver lining. It might take a little work but I truly believe you can find one.


© 2009 Eddy Seegers

Is your business, service or community group looking for a speaker for an upcoming meeting or event. My programs are uplifting and motivational. The titles of a couple of the program are “Caught in a Monkey Trap” and “Life Lessons Learned Playing Little League.” I can tailor either of these to your organization or design a presentation for your unique situation. Email me at lifelessonsbyeddy@yahoo.com for more information.

Are you interested in making money while helping others and yourself live a healthier life, check out my site at this link. Health_and_Wealth

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